Sábado 13/07/24: Seminario en la web: «Represión contra Palestina en Europa» 12/07/24

WEBINAR: Repression against Palestine in Europe.
A deeper look into the repressive apparatus and strategies of confrontation (Languages: English and Spanish)

Ever since the 7th of October, repression against the pro-Palestine movement in Europe has taken new levels. From banning demonstrations in multiple countries, the prosecution of activists, the media smear campaigns, up to the criminalization of organisations and slogans. The “anti-repression committee” of the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path Movement is organizing this panel, where activists from multiple European countries will share their experiences and analysis of how the repressive apparatus cracks down on the pro-Palestine movement, what goals they try to achieve, and how to fight back ✊🏾

📆 Saturday 13th, JULY
🕢 At 19:00pm CET
👉🏾You can register in the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pd16B2TVQiyO1cheqgge3w

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