Rumanía: ¿golpe de Estado instigado por la UE? “Europa se adentra rápidamente en la oscuridad”,…

Global Research, 10 de diciembre de 2024


Rumanía: ¿golpe de Estado instigado por la UE? “Europa se adentra rápidamente en la oscuridad”,… “Un pacto con el diablo”. Peter Koenig

Europa está en un rápido, muy rápido descenso hacia la oscuridad, seguido de la desaparición.

Europa, en especial la Unión Europea (UE), es una construcción de Washington. Es cierto que la UE nunca fue una idea europea. Esa es otra historia, pero es un hecho.

El 24 de noviembre de 2024 se celebraron elecciones presidenciales en  Rumanía  . La segunda vuelta estaba prevista para el 8 de diciembre de 2024, ya que ningún candidato obtuvo la mayoría absoluta. El favorito, Calin Georgescu, consiguió una sorprendente victoria en primera vuelta con casi el 23%, frente a la candidata de izquierda, Elena Lasconi , con cerca del 19,2%, mientras que el actual primer ministro socialdemócrata Marcel Ciolacu obtuvo el 19,15%.

Se programó una segunda vuelta electoral para el domingo 8 de diciembre.

Pero esto no sucedió porque el Tribunal Constitucional de Rumania canceló las elecciones del 24 de noviembre de 2024. No se dio ninguna razón específica, solo que las elecciones no se celebraron plenamente según las normas de la legalidad rumana y se citó la habitual «sospecha de interferencia rusa».

Es probable que el señor Georgescu, muy popular entre el pueblo, haya ganado la segunda vuelta. Está en contra de la actual posición pro-OTAN de Rumania y de que se despilfarre más dinero para Ucrania, para provocar más muertes en una guerra interminable, dinero de los impuestos rumanos que Rumania podría destinar a un uso interno mucho mejor. La posición del señor Calin Georgescu también era pro-Rusia y contraria a las sanciones a Rusia. Véase esto .

Obviamente, esto disgustó a Bruselas, especialmente al Foro Económico Mundial y a la no electa señora Von der Leyen, designada por Washington . Por lo tanto, es muy probable que la CE haya obligado al Tribunal Constitucional rumano a anular las primeras elecciones y a repetir el ciclo electoral completo en una fecha posterior. Es decir, habrá tiempo suficiente para preparar una manipulación electoral (fraude), de modo que pueda ganar un candidato pro-occidental y pro-OTAN.

Esto puede resultar contraproducente, ya que esta decisión del Tribunal Constitucional es una bofetada para la mayoría de los rumanos, incluso para aquellos que no votaron a Georgescu, que podrían votarlo en las próximas elecciones.

El viernes 7 de diciembre, Georgescu fue citado por Realitatea TV diciendo:

“El sistema corrupto de Rumania mostró su verdadero rostro al hacer un pacto con el diablo”. 

Añadió que el actual gobierno rumano tiene miedo de perder el poder y enfrentarse a revelaciones, sobre las que no se dieron más detalles, pero sólo se puede hacer conjeturas sobre el rumbo que pueden haber tomado dichas revelaciones.

Of course this was countered by well-prepared western media outlet lies such as, “Declassified information from Romania’s intelligence agencies had alleged that the sudden rise of Georgescu in the first round of the election was “not a natural outcome.”

This was a clear Coup d’État, most likely by the very organization of which Romania is a member – the EU.


Understanding Europe’s corrupt and scandalous colonial and exploitational history makes such non-ethical behavior even more understandable.

Europe has never confronted herself with her own history, to the contrary, by their, to this day assumed superiority, most Europeans have not even noticed, how they were being used as a tool for the United States, to eventually dominating Russia. So far it has not worked. And it will never work. Russia and her riches have never been dominated – and will never be dominated.

This goes as far back as the two World Wars, both inspired by Washington with the same objective, overrunning and domineering Russia. WWII, engineered at the orders of Washington, was shamelessly financed by the Federal Reserve via the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), conveniently located in Basle, Switzerland, close to the border with Germany.

The first President of the BIS was Mr. Gates McGarrah. He was a former director of the FED New York, and later was appointed as FED New York Chairman of the Board before he became President of the BIS. In 1924, he was appointed as the American director of the general Council of the German Reichsbank, i.e. German Central Bank.  See this.

BIS, Basle (image)

There are no coincidences.

And again, as usual, Washington always dances on several weddings at once: fighting against Hitler’s Germany as a Russian ally, and simultaneously funding Hitler’s war against Russia.

Today, the Rothschild-controlled BIS is also called the Central Bank of Central Banks, controlling more than 90% of the worldwide monetary flow, and except for some minor central banks, is in control of them all, including the Chinese and the Russian central banks.

The colonial times of Europe have become part of the European culture. Even though African and Latin American colonies have been “liberated” in Africa in the 1950s and 1960s, and in Latin America in the 19th Century – none of those so called “independent countries” is really free. They are all under modern financial and economic colonization, alias, exploitation, predominantly by Europe in Africa, and by the US (the former British Empire having moved across the Atlantic) in Latin America.

Case in point is France with the most shameless exploitation of their 14 former “official” French colonies, through the so-called Franc CFA (Communauté Financière Africaine, i.e. “African Financial Community” in English).

The currency is “guaranteed” (controlled) to the tune of some 80% by the Banque de France. So, these countries still do not have any autonomy of deciding over the economy by adjusting their currencies, as would be normal for most other countries (except for those attached to the Euro).

Many West African governments who have instigated movements for monetary independence did not survive for long. But only mentioned Thomas Sankara, former Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, who was assassinated in 1987 after serious attempts of achieving financial and monetary autonomy for all French colonies.

In some philosophies, the rapid descent of Europe into oblivion would be called “karma.” The faster the EU collapses, the better off will be countries like Romania, Hungary, and many others, who so far do not dare pronouncing themselves, due to potential “consequences.”

Viva Neutrality and Sovereignty!


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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